Future Focussed Learners


Students are supported to be ‘future focussed’. Our University Counselling team help students increase their knowledge and understanding of how their current studies and grades relate to university courses and other post-secondary options and opportunities available to them after their graduation from Secondary School. The approach of the University Counselling team is to guide students with consideration of their interest, family needs, post-SBS International plans and teacher recommendations. 


Our approach to post-SBS International planning is to:

  • Support each student’s individual needs.
  • Prepare students to transition to a life after SBS International which best fosters their intellectual and personal growth (a best fit model).
  • Facilitate a student-centred approach, and encourage student agency to ‘own’ the post-SBS International planning process.
  • Encourage students to be aspirational in the post-SBS planning process, but to be grounded confidently in reality.
  • Maximise their chances of university admission.
  • Facilitate or advise on additional testing in relation to university matriculation.


In relation to the academic counselling of students in younger years, our team encourage students to:

  • Choose a broad and balanced choice of IGCSE/A Level subjects.
  • Advise on specialist pathways and requirements
  • Choose subjects based on interest, enjoyment, the right level of challenge, and which consider future pathways.