Foundational Literacy and Key Skills

Our curriculum facilitates a ‘learning literate environment’ where students develop foundational literacy to acquire, interpret, apply or transfer knowledge, skills and understanding in context. Foundational literacy at SBS International is multi-dimensional so that students  are exposed to a well-rounded and  holistic educational experience fit for the 21st Century.


Our curriculum across the school develops fluency in:

  1. Linguistic Literacy and Language Development
  2. Numerical and Scientific Literacy
  3. Digital and Technological Literacy
  4. Global and Environmental Literacy
  5. Physical Literacy and Health 
  6. Artistic Literacy


Our students are multi-skilled utilising our ‘4 C Approaches to Learning Model’ to drive the learning process. We believe that at an age appropriate level children need to develop proficiency in communicating and collaborating with each other; develop a creative and inquisitive mind; and are able to think critically and gain multiple perspectives on issues.